A unique asymmetry in the pattern of recent sea level change
The spatial pattern of 20 year sea surface height trends from satellite altimetry is placed into the context of historical modes of wind-driven ocean volume redistribution identified in basin-scale, regional averages of tide gauge data. The difference between recent rates of sea level change in northern and southern regions is [...]
Observations and estimates of wave-driven water level extremes at the Marshall Islands
Wave-driven extreme water levels are examined for coastlines protected by fringing reefs using field observations obtained in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. The 2% exceedence water level near the shoreline due to waves is estimated empirically for the study sites from breaking wave height at the outer reef and [...]
Wind-Driven Coastal Sea Level Variability in the Northeast Pacific
The rate of coastal sea level change in the northeast Pacific (NEP) has decreased in recent decades. The relative contributions to the decreased rate from remote equatorial wind stress, local longshore wind stress, and local windstress curl are examined. Regressions of sea level onto wind stress time series and comparisons [...]