Research and Data Analysis

Samuel is a data scientist and engineer with a background in meteorology. He develops data pipelines, databases, and production-ready code for a wide array of earth-system datasets. He loves the outdoors and anything on the water where work and play become synonymous.

Kyrstin develops web and data visualization products for UHSLC operations and research projects. She draws on her background in chemical oceanography and experience working in local and federal government to create products that make scientific data usable and accessible to different audiences.
Instrumentation and Data Transmission

Jerard Jardin, aka Ziggy, has a BA in Mechanical Engineering and has worked for the UHSLC for over 18 years designing, installing, and testing tide stations. Installations require intergovernmental coordination and a multifaceted mix of structural and electrical fabrications, computer programming, and real world problem solving in an ever-changing environment.

Jon has an MS in Geophysics from the University of Hawaii. He designs and operates the co-located GNSS stations next to the UHSLC tide gauges, conducts LiDAR surveys, and does local RTK GPS surveys around the islands. He is also the system administrator for the UHSLC.
Pat is a former manager of the Joint Archive for Sea Level (JASL) hosted by the UHSLC. He was the NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/NCDDC Liaison for Hawaii and US-Flag Islands in the Pacific, manager of the Joint Archive for Shipboard ADCP, and a National Weather Service Surf Forecaster.
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Postdoctoral Researchers
Adam is a physical oceanographer who analyzes the fluctuations in tides and sea level on global and regional levels, with a special focus on the nonstationary of tides under sea level rise and other climate-related factors. He studies the patterns of water level and meteorological changes using historical records and modern satellite data to better predict future flood scenarios and impacts on coastal resilience.

Yuxin is a postdoc in physical oceanography, currently working on improving seasonal sea level forecasts for the U.S. East Coast to benefit high tide flooding outlooks. Her research interests include monthly sea level forecasting, marine heatwave predictability, climate variability, and oceanic wave dynamics. Her modeling expertise includes the use of the Linear Inverse Model and the Reduced Gravity Model.