NAME: | |
LAT: | |
LON: |
Fast Delivery | Research Quality | |
HOURLY: | .dat .csv .nc | .dat .csv .nc |
DAILY: | .dat .csv .nc | .dat .csv .nc |
For each day, highest and lowest† hourly water levels, along with the daily range averaged during the epoch.
For each month, highest and lowest† hourly water levels, along with the monthly maximum range averaged during the epoch.
Highest and lowest monthly mean water levels, along with monthly data averaged during the epoch and for each selected year(s).
Displaying all plots in one figure.
†For user-selected years, only the highest water levels are shown in graphs of daily and monthly extremes.
This product provides a preliminary look at the recent or past water levels compared to the long-term records and climatology at the tide gauge station. Updates are typically available by the 15th day of each month using the UHSLC’s Fast Delivery of tide gauge data.
Three plot types (Daily Extremes, Monthly Extremes, and Monthly Means) are provided with the first two utilizing hourly data and the latter monthly data. In the Daily Extremes plot, the sub-monthly oscillations are due to the spring-neap tidal cycles (i.e., new or full moon phases) combined with independent sea level variability on lower or higher frequencies. When viewing individual years of daily extremes, note that days with partial missing data will sometimes show a spike well below the typical spring-neap tidal cycle that explains the normal oscillatory nature of the records (e.g., if that day’s highest tide was not recorded). A similar note applies to the monthly extremes, when the hourly observation record is incomplete for the particular month of the year. Monthly means are shown when at least seven complete days of hourly observations are available within the month.
Similar types of graphical displays are available on the web for many other types of atmospheric and oceanic data, including a water level visualization for Miami, Florida, which helped inspire this product.