QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF SEA LEVEL DATA by the UH SEA LEVEL CENTER/NATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA CENTER JOINT ARCHIVE FOR SEA LEVEL updated: 30 Sep 2015 Station : Inhambane Latitude: 23 52.1S Country : Mozambique Longitude: 035 22.6E JASL # : 900A Time Meridian: 030E (GMT + 2 hr) GLOSS # : 010 Originator #: NODC #: 52033501 Contributor : National Oceanography Centre Joseph Proudman Building 6 Brownlow Street Liverpool L3 5DA United Kingdom Originator : INAHINA Instituto Nacional de Hidrografia e Navegacao Maputo, Mozambique Original Data: digital Instrmnt Type: OTT Kalesto radar sensor OTT ODS4-K pressure sensor (backup) Digitzd Intvl: 1 or 3 min Present Data : Hourly, daily, and monthly values obtained by: Hourly : Data provided to JASL at 15-minute intervals. Spot readings on the hour were made. Daily : 119-point convolution filter (Bloomfield, 1976) centered on noon applied to the hourly data with respective periods of the 95, 50, and 5% amplitude points at 124.0, 60.2, and 40.2 hours Monthly: Simple average of all daily values; calculated if 7 or fewer days are missing Span of data : 07 May 2007 - 09 Sep 2014 Gaps > 1 mon : limited use dataset with only a few short spans on the order of days without gaps Time Refernce: GMT (hours 00-23) Space-filler Flag :-9999 Units : millimeters Missing Data Flag : 9999 Existing : Yes Operational : Yes Sat. Trans. : unconfirmed Distribution : 2011-2011 Refernce Levl: The tide gauge has not yet been levelled into the local benchmark network. Data are uncalibrated heights from the Kalesto radar sensor. Benchmark heights are given relative to local Chart Datum. The pier was rebuilt after Sep 2007. Measurement datum probably changed upon reinstallation. In addition, there are clear datum shifts on 28 Mar 2010, 01 Aug 2010, and 21 Apr 2012. Benchmark information is available from BODC or INAHINA. Comment : The period 01-27 Sep 2011 has uninterrupted measurements. Thus only the 2011 year of data has been released within the JASL set, since most of the span 2007-2013 contains large gaps on order of days to months, as well as consecutive days with a large percent of the measurements missing. With such a short span of gapless data, the ability to perform a tidal analysis is greatly limited. Thus quality control on the timing accuracy is not possible. No interpolation of short gaps was performed due to low quality of tidal harmonic constituents from the tidal analysis. In general, these data should be used with extreme caution and provide very limited applications. CI MISSING REPLACED GAPS QUESTIONABLE YEAR (%) DATA OR BAD DATA FLUCTUATIONS ---- --- -------------------- --------------- -------------------- 2007 19 see comment above none see comment above 2008 0 see comment above none see comment above 2009 9 see comment above none see comment above 2010 7 see comment above none see comment above 2011 30 see comment above none see comment above 2012 37 see comment above none see comment above 2013 44 see comment above none see comment above 2014 28 see comment above none see comment above