QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF SEA LEVEL DATA by the UH SEA LEVEL CENTER/NATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA CENTER JOINT ARCHIVE FOR SEA LEVEL updated: 05 Apr 2004 Station : Hanimaadhoo-A Latitude: 06 46.0N Country : Rep. of Maldives Longitude: 073 10.0E JASL # : 117A Time Meridian: 075E (GMT + 5 hr) GLOSS # : none TOGA #: none NODC #: 10076301 Contributor : UH Sea Level Center 1000 Pope Rd. MSB 317 Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 Originator : UH Sea Level Center in collaboration with Dept. of Meteorology Male, Republic of Maldives Original Data: analog Instrmnt Type: Metercraft Bubbler Digitzd Intvl: hourly Present Data : Hourly, daily, and monthly values obtained by: Hourly : Original data were spot hourly Daily : 119-point convolution filter (Bloomfield, 1976) centered on noon applied to the hourly data with respective periods of the 95, 50, and 5% amplitude points at 124.0, 60.2, and 40.2 hours Monthly: Simple average of all daily values; calculated if 7 or fewer days are missing Span of data : 19 Jul 1991 - 20 Aug 2002 Gaps > 1 mon : none Time Refernce: GMT (hours 00-23) Space-filler Flag :-9999 Units : millimeters Missing Data Flag : 9999 Existing : Yes Operational : Yes Sat. Trans. : No Distribution : 1991-2002 Refernce Levl: Heights are referred to the station tide staff zero, which is linked to land-based benchmarks. This reference zero is unique to this station and is not an official datum (chart, national, etc.) and is not relative to local tidal parameters, such as mean lower low water. See the Originators for benchmark descriptions, maps, and the geodetic levelling history. Comment : The daily and monthly means do not reveal any suspicious reference level changes. This site was discontinued in Aug 2002. A new station nearby was established but the series are not linked to the same reference zero; thus, there is a 117A and 117B. CI MISSING REPLACED GAPS QUESTIONABLE YEAR (%) DATA OR BAD DATA FLUCTUATIONS ---- --- -------------------- --------------- -------------------- 1991 42 292-294,340-344, none none 354-361 1992 94 3-12,48-50,111-113, none none 206-212,253-255 1993 97 40-43,328-334 none none 1994 99 264-265,359-360 none none 1995 97 190-193,309-312, (01)213-(12)213 none 354-360 (14)272-(12)273 1996 99 160-162,214-215 (19)163-(10)164 none (12)205-(10)206 (17)207-(10)208 (22)233-(11)234 (17)236-(11)237 (16)283-(10)284 (12)285-(11)286 1997 100 none none none 1998 99 42-44 (14)034-(10)035 none (00)182-(13)182 1999 99 168-170,201-202 (00)139-(12)139 none 2000 99 203-204 none none 2001 99 133-134 (17)099-(13)100 none 2002 63 none none none