QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF SEA LEVEL DATA by the UH SEA LEVEL CENTER/NATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA CENTER JOINT ARCHIVE FOR SEA LEVEL updated: 08 Mar 2023 Station : Ammassalik, Greenland Latitude: 65 36.9N Country : Denmark Longitude: 037 37.5W JASL # : 297A Time Meridian: 045W (GMT-3hrs) GLOSS # : 228 TOGA #: none NODC #: 76035701 Contributor : Royal Danish Administration of Navigation & Hydrography Overgaden o.Vandet 62B Postboks 1919,DK-1023 Copenhagen-K DENMARK Originator : same Original Data: unconfirmed Instrmnt Type: pressure gauge Digitzd Intvl: 15 minutes Present Data : Hourly, daily, and monthly values obtained by: Hourly : 1990-1995 unconfirmed; 1996- three-point Hanning centered on the sample time closest to the hour Daily : 119-point convolution filter (Bloomfield, 1976) centered on noon applied to the hourly data with respective periods of the 95, 50, and 5% amplitude points at 124.0, 60.2, and 40.2 hours Monthly: Simple average of all daily values; calculated if 7 or fewer days are missing Span of data : 13 Nov 1990 - 31 Dec 1998 Gaps > 1 mon : 14 Aug 1991 - 12 Nov 1991;09 Apr 1993 - 09 May 1993 01 Jan 1996 - 01 Jul 1996;26 Feb 1998 - 16 May 1998 Time Refernce: GMT (00-23 hours) Space-filler Flag :-9999 Units : millimeters Missing Data Flag : 9999 Existing : Yes Operational : Yes Sat. Trans. : No Distribution : 1990-1998 Refernce Levl: All data are referred to LAT, which is Chart Datum for Greenland Tide gauge benchmark (TGBM) description: TGBM 5298.6cm below 'bronze' mark near Ammassalik town-cairn. Also benchmark 4321.1cm below 'bronze' mark about 10m from church entrance. Comment : All data are corrected for atmospheric pressure. Salinity not measured, sea level elevation calculated from pressure using a sea water density based on measured temperature and a salinity of 31.5ppt. The hourly residuals reveal good timing for 1990-1995. The timing is off on the order of minutes for select periods starting in 1996. An obvious reference level shift was removed from the data for 03-13 Aug 1997. CI MISSING REPLACED GAPS QUESTIONABLE YEAR (%) DATA OR BAD DATA FLUCTUATIONS ---- --- -------------------- --------------- -------------------- 1990 12 353-357,364-365 none none 1991 56 1-9,17-40,180-182, none none 217-221,226-316,317- 321,326-336,343-351, 354-365 1992 79 1-12,113-122,148- (11)034-(22)034 see comment above 157,163-188,198-201, (13)096-(20)096 221-223,231-243,251- 254,261-262,354-357 1993 69 16-21,73-80,99-145, (04)007-(18)007 none 149-154,167-174,185- 191,200-206,217-218, 220-249 1994 99 228-229 none none 1995 100 none none none 1996 50 1-183 none none 1997 94 48-50,136-145,215- (10)029-(19)029 29-32,145-215 225 (01)033-(12)033 (15)070-(00)071 1998 78 57-136 none 24-57,233-365