QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF SEA LEVEL DATA by the UH SEA LEVEL CENTER/NATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA CENTER JOINT ARCHIVE FOR SEA LEVEL updated: 12 Jul 2017 Station : Newlyn, Cornwall Latitude: 50 06.1N Country : United Kingdom Longitude: 005 32.5W JASL # : 294A Time Meridian: 000E (GMT) GLOSS # : 241 Originator #: 241 NODC #: 75000501 Contributor : Tide Gauge Inspectorate (TGI), National Oceanography Centre Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory 6 Brownlow Street Liverpool L69 3GP United Kingdom. Originator : Environment Agency Anglian Regional Office Kingfisher House Goldhay Way, Orton Goldhay Peterborough Cambridgeshire, PE2 5ZR Original Data: digital Instrmnt Type: 1915 - Cary Porter float gauge operated by Ordernance Survey. 1983 - DATARING system installed with full tide pressure point. Cary Porter gauge removed. Munro float gauge installed as backup. 1996 - Mid tide pressure point installed. Site of measuring point: located on the seaward of South pier behind the lighthouse *pressure point gauges also referred to as bubbler Digitzd Intvl: before 1983: analog; after 1983: 15 minutes Present Data : Hourly, daily, and monthly values obtained by: Hourly : analog spot on hour; 1993- 3-pt Hanning on hour Daily : 119-point convolution filter (Bloomfield, 1976) centered on noon applied to the hourly data with respective periods of the 95, 50, and 5% amplitude points at 124.0, 60.2, and 40.2 hours Monthly: Simple average of all daily values; calculated if 7 or fewer days are missing Span of data : 22 Apr 1915 - 31 Dec 2016 Gaps > 1 mon : 01 Jan 1984 - 12 Aug 1984;12 Nov 1985 - 31 Dec 1985 20 Jun 1986 - 24 Jul 1986;11 Jul 2007 - 07 Nov 2007 12 Jan 2010 - 14 Aug 2010 Time Refernce: GMT (hours 00-23) Space-filler Flag :-9999 Units : millimeters Missing Data Flag : 9999 Existing : Yes Operational : Yes Sat. Trans. : Yes Distribution : 1915-2016 Refernce Levl: All data refer to Admiralty Chart Datum (ACD). Tide gauge benchmark (TGBM) description: Ordnance Survey (OS) Benchmark bolt inside tide hut, adjacent to stilling well. Ordnance Survey grid reference: SW 4676 2855. Benchmark relationships: TGZ = Admiralty Chart Datum (ACD) TGZ = 3.05m below Ordnance Datum Newlyn (ODN) TGZ = 7.8012m below TGBM Benchmark descriptions: TGBM, SW 4676 2855, OSBM bolt inside tidal obs. adjacent to well; 4.751 above ODN Aux1, SW 4673 2851, F1 Br 1565 wall S Pier NW face 17.8M SW; 5.279 above ODN Aux2, SW 4659 2841, F1 Br 1520 wall SE side of S Pier Rd NW face; 5.308 above ODN Levelling: The benchmarks were incorporated into the OS levelling network in 1960. Benchmarks were reconfirmed by the OS annually between 1960 to 1965 (inclusive) and from 1980 onwards; and every 6 months between 1966 and 1979. Additional information is available from the data originators. Comment : The timing improves in 1985 onward after installation of a new tide gauge. Prior to 1985, many time spans have questionable timing quality. Only extreme fluctuations in the hourly residual graphs are noted below. National Tidal and Sea Level Facility Licence Agreement Condition of Use 1) Users must not pass on the data to third parties, but instead direct interested parties to the NTSLF Web site. 2) BODC, NERC and the Environmental Agency give no warranty as to the accuracy of the data or as to the suitability of the data for their intended use and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the use of, or results obtained from this information. 3) Publications resulting from the use of the data shall include acknowledgement to BODC and the Environmental Agency (Suggested text "The data were supplied by the British Oceanographic Data Centre as part of the function of the National Tidal and Sea Level Facility, hosted by the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory and funded by the Environmental Agency and the Natural Environmental Research Council".) 4) The recipient shall: a) Inform BODC of the outputs to which the data have contributed, e.g., references to scientific publications or reports, b) Offer to BODC, if requested and without charge, a copy of any value added data set or product derived from the data, c) Inform BODC of any inaccuracies or errors detected in the data. 5) BODC is entitled to terminate the licence at any time if the conditions of use are not observed and may revoke privileges in furutre if there is unauthorised redistribution of the data. 6) All intellectual property rights in the data and information supplied to you whether owned by NERC or third parties (e.g. the Environmental Agency) will continue to be owned by the respective parties. CI MISSING REPLACED GAPS QUESTIONABLE YEAR (%) DATA OR BAD DATA FLUCTUATIONS ---- --- -------------------- --------------- -------------------- 1915 70 none none 128-130,223,254-257, 295-298,310-314,324 1916 100 none none 63-67,77-81,201-210, 227,256-260,300-301, 310-313,360-361 1917 100 none none 25-27 1918 100 none none 31-33,89-91,253,294- 298,323-325 1919 100 none none 64,92,96-97,107-108, 135,178-181,254, 313-314 1920 100 none none none 1921 100 none none none 1922 100 none none 26,28,132-133,164- 167,270-272,290-297 1923 100 none none 125-126,151,300-301 1924 100 none none none 1925 100 none none none 1926 100 none none none 1927 100 none none none 1928 100 none none 111-112,107 1929 100 none none 71,337,343 1930 100 none none none 1931 100 none none 312 1932 100 none none none 1933 100 none none none 1934 100 none none none 1935 100 none none none 1936 100 none none none 1937 100 none none none 1938 100 none none none 1939 100 none none 222-226 1940 100 none none 28-29 1941 100 none none none 1942 100 none none none 1943 100 none none 11 1944 100 none none 85,101,104-105,132, 200-208 1945 100 none none none 1946 100 none none none 1947 100 none none 99,113-114,306 1948 100 none none 29,246 1949 100 none none none 1950 100 none none 65-68,73-78,198,313 1951 100 none none 126 1952 100 none none none 1953 100 none none 47,221-222 1954 100 none none 82,286 1955 100 none none 72,201-202,234,276- 277,333-336,364-365 1956 100 none none 1-3,22,72-73,191- 192,220-223,249-250, 279-280,307,340,357 1957 100 none none 21-22,59-60,64-65, 74-75,101-104,132, 157-158,196,210-211, 322-329,338 1958 100 none none 38,41,93-94,308-342 1959 100 none none none 1960 100 none none 1,19,193-194,251, 264-266,276-277,292, 306-307 1961 100 none none 268-270,295 1962 100 none none 66-67,232-233,260- 261,272-274 1963 100 none none 67-75,83,217-224,309 1964 100 none none 84-85,132-133,253- 256,264 1965 100 none none 47-53,79-80,242 1966 100 none none 2,54 1967 100 none none none 1968 100 none none none 1969 100 none none 96-97 1970 100 none none none 1971 100 none none none 1972 100 none none none 1973 100 none none none 1974 100 none none none 1975 100 none none 113-116 1976 100 none none none 1977 100 none none none 1978 100 none none none 1979 100 none none 251,280 1980 100 none none 37,131-132,220-224, 242-243 1981 100 none none 49-54,80 1982 100 none (18)299-(10)300 none 1983 99 319-322 none 365 1984 37 1-225,234-237,241- none none 243,344-346 1985 87 316-365 none none 1986 91 171-205 (10)017-(22)017 none 1987 100 none none none 1988 100 none none none 1989 100 none none none 1990 100 none none none 1991 98 294-297,321-324 none none 1992 100 none (20)153-(14)154 none 1993 100 none none none 1994 100 none none none 1995 100 none none none 1996 99 261-264 (00)102-(17)102 none 1997 98 350-358 none none 1998 95 286-288,314-316, none none 349-361 1999 99 19-21,335-337 none none 2000 99 200-203 none none 2001 99 124-125 none none 2002 90 66-100,114-116 none none 2003 100 none none none 2004 100 none none none 2005 99 236-237 none none 2006 95 60-65,75-78,102-108, (07)037-(20)037 none 214-216 2007 67 192-311 none none 2008 99 271-276 (14)268-(13)269 none 2009 100 none (16)317-(04)318 none 2010 41 12-226 none none 2011 94 188-210 none none 2012 98 214-222 (01)095-(10)095 none 2013 99 308-311 none none 2014 98 54-58,198-201,271- (03)036-(10)036 none 273 2015 91 36-59,80-86,265-268 (17)256-(00)257 none (18)258-(01)259 (06)259-(13)259 (06)260-(13)260 (19)261-(11)262 (08)263-(15)263 (08)264-(16)264 (20)264-(04)265 2016 100 none none none